Painting from Pueblos Blancos Artist
Painting from Pueblos Blancos Artist
Written in Spanish by Artist
Mi inspiración para esta pintura fue basada en los indígenas chorotegas pues ellos creían que cuando alguien moría pasaban a otra vida es de ahi que pinte esta calavera simulando la muerte de una persona pues dentro de ella en contramos unos camaleones que representan el cambio que cada ser humano tiene en la vida asi como ellos cambian de color asi nosotros podemos cambiar para el vien la nariz inversa es un corazón es lo que como artista me inspira a pintar todo los dias los lavios son los volcanes de la isla de Ometepe y en las laterales de arriba a bajo una serpiente que representa a Quetzalcóatl muchos colores es como la mucha abundancia que tenemos en este mundo
My inspiration for this painting was based on the indigenous Chorotegas because they believed that when someone died move to another life it is from there that I paint this skull simulating the death of a person because within it we find some chameleons that represent the change for each humanbeing has in life as they change color so we ask to change the reverse nose for the one is a heart is what as an artist inspires me to paint every day the lips are the volcanos of the island of Ometepe and in the sides of above under a snake that represents Quetzalcoatl many colors is like the abundance we have in this world
Chorotega people, an indigenous people of Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica and El Salvador.
Quetzalcoatl, the Aztec god of wind, air, and learning, wears around his neck the "wind breastplate" ehecailacocozcatl, "the spirally voluted wind jewel" made of a conch shell.
First is picture of the painting described above, rest are additional items create by artist and vases we purchased to give away to clients.
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