Nicaragua - an Economic success story

Here is a great article written by Otaviano Canuto Nicaragua: A Success Story in the Making by the World Bank and reviewed by Huffington Post write a compelling story on the state of affairs of in Nicaragua. It discusses the economic affairs of Nicaragua but also makes some interesting points on safety – Nicaragua is the safest country in Central America; political stable albeit with some issues, a country that has invested in renewable energy stable economic growth, improvement of basic services to the poor of health care, electricity, clean water and gender equality – Nicaragua placed 6th right behind the Nordic countries.
Since this is an economic review, they didn’t discuss the all the other great reasons investors and retirees are coming to Nicaragua. Nicaragua provides so many more reasons to get people to invest or retire in Nicaragua from great warm and friendly people, great climate, variety of food, lots of shopping options from “farmers markets” to great grocery stores, history, art, and low to reasonable housing to rent or actually owning a home, excellent public transportation, a variety of medical health care options from local doctors that will visit you at home if the need arises for $20 dollars, some of home do speak English, to city hospitals and one hospital Pella Vivian Metropolitan which is affiliated with the Houston Methodist Medical hospital. The cost of medicine we have found to be much lower in most cases. Most medicine comes from Mexico. So come and visit and explore the cities of Granada and Leon or visit the coastal town of San Juan del Sur or Rivas and Managua. These cities are all very different and have certainly build their own character and draw for expats.

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