10th annual chili cook off for the Biblioteca Puedo Leer
Power breakfast prior to the 10th annual chili cook off for the Biblioteca Puedo Leer.
Are you ready my friend Rapido y Furioso Gilles Giraudon should be a fun event......
This is what the event organizer posted:
Biblioteca Puedo Leer wants to thank all of the generous donors for their support in promoting the love of reading in the Community of Granada. You can show your support by attending the Chili cook-off and purchasing raffle tickets to win amazing prizes! One amazing night stay at Apoyo Lodge for 2, Pizza Party for four, Breakfast for Two, Bake Goods, Dinner for Two and much more… Special thanks go out to our sponsors:
Sponsors: AuroraGranada Realty - Apoyo Lodge - Garden Café - Café D’Arte - La Frontera – Pasteleria Maria Elena – Gallo Pinto- Carnes San Martin (Granada) - Pan de Vida - Pita Pita –Pure – Don Armando & Doña Elba Cigars - Bob Moore – Wayne & Fran Butler - Queques Mayra – Corazón Contento – Ivero Jewelry – Tamara Bailey – Hotel Real la Merced – Tree Casa SJDS – Tele Pizza – El Garaje – Panadería El Carmen - Amy Bushnell - Carol Rea
Your ticket purchase enables us to continue to bring books to the people in Nicaragua and expand our reach and impact. Raffle tickets c$50 cordobas each or 5 for c$200 cordobas!!
Special thanks go out to our Contestants:
Paul Daemen ~ Carolyn Johns ~ Pat Buff ~ Carol Rea ~ Rapido & Furioso ~Terry & Nancy (Casa San Francisco) ~ Olga Bosio ~ Sarah DeClue ~ Pure ~ Burke Carson ~ Rafael Lopez ~ David Herron ~ Michael Johnson ~ Stephenie Falls ~
