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Chili Cook-Off 2020 - Granada, Nicaragua

Chili Cook-Off 2020 - Granada, Nicaragua

The following is from the Chili Cook off 2020 - Organizers for their annual fund raiser.

It’s again time to remind everyone of Biblioteca Puedo Leer’s annual fund raiser - drum roll please! - the Chili Cook-Off.

This year it will be held again at Tres Mundos community centre on the last Sunday of January - the 26th, from 1:30 to 4:40pm. Here is a link to Tres Mundos website

This is our tenth annual Chili Cook-Off so it is a very special event for us at the library and we hope everyone will join us in celebrating.

We have decided to offer three competitive categories this year: beef chili, chicken chili and vegetarian chili. The winner in each category will receive a certificate. If there is only one entry in a category that contestant will receive an Honorable Mention.

We have three different judges each year and from this year one of the judges will be the winner from the previous year’s competition. We feel this honors that winner as s/he obviously knows chili and it gives someone else the opportunity to win.

On arrival at Tres Mundos a competitor is given a random number and during the afternoon the chilis are taken to the sequestered judges randomly. Only one person keeps the list of the numbers assigned to the competitors - me!!

Judging the taste of food is such a personal experience which is why we have three judges. We ask them not to discuss their ratings until all chilis have been judged and then it is the sum of their scores that decides the winner.

Another change we are making for this year’s Chili Cook-Off is to do with the cups and spoons the paying guests use for tasting each of the entries. We will be providing each guest with a biodegradable cup and spoon and ask that they use these items for all the samples they taste. We will provide paper napkins for wiping out the cup if the person desire to do so. We are trying to find ways to be more ecologically responsible and hope that everyone will join forces with us.

We also give each person who pays the ten dollars entrance fee to the event three tickets with which to vote for their favourite chilis. The chili that receives the most tickets is declared the People’s Choice winner and also receives a certificate.

So if you have a killer chili recipe and would like to enter it to help out the Puedo Leer library please contact us through our web-site, Facebook, the director AnnaElizabeth Blandon or Carol Rea, one of the founders of the project. We would love to hear from you!

Biblioteca Puedo Leer developed this fund raising event to help support the library and its goal of bringing the love of books and reading to the children of Granada and hopefully it is a fun social event that beings many people together.

We would also like to invite you to come by one of our three lending libraries and possibly give us suggestions on how we might continue bringing the love of reading and books to the young people of Granada. Please feel free to speak to Anna Elizabeth Blandon, the library director, or me, Carol Rea, or one of our other library committee members: Damien Hopkins (Garden Cafe) or Tamara Bailey

We are always looking for new ideas to catch the interest of our library members.

So please join us for this, the TENTH ANNIVERSARY of the CHILI COOK-OFF, Sunday January 26, 1:30pm at Tres Mundos Community Center.

Picture credit: Tres Mundos Flyer Chili Cook off


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