Promoting Nicaragua
A great find by Tourism Granada Nicaragua.
That tourists and Nicaraguan families living abroad come to the land of lakes and volcanoes is the government's objective through the Nicaraguan Tourism Institute.
To this end, campaigns have been established in priority markets. Times Square in New York is one of those sites, here a 20-second video is projected on a giant screen located in "The 1500 Broadway Spectacular", where nature and adventure tourism is promoted.
The campaign began on November 1, 2017 and will end on January 5, 2018. It is estimated that it will reach more than 1,000,000 people.
Toronto, Canada, is another strategic space, from November 20 to December 20, 2017 a 15-second audiovisual project is projected in the city center through 23 digital screens located 20 in Yonge and Dundas and 3 in Gerrard & Yonge .
In total 15,148 commercials will be transmitted, as well as the reproduction of 120,690 products in 14 screens inside a shopping center. INTUR Cantur Nacional Nicaragua Canatur- Nicaragua Tourism Granada Nicaragua #tourismgranada #visitnicaragua