CANIBIR (Cámara Nicaragüense de Bienes Raices) in English this means (roughly translated) Chamber of Nicaraguan Real Estate which is similar to a real estate board in the USA, Canada or Western Europe.
Not all agents in Nicaragua are automatically a member of CANIBIR. In our opinion, most agents if not all operating in Nicaragua should be a member of CANIBIR which will require all CANIBIR broker/owner to adhere to strict ethical and business guidelines.
A member of CANIBIR will not automatically be considered to be REALTOR®, they must join the National Association of REALTOR® as an International Member and adhere to strict ethical standards and educational requirements. To verify if your agent is in fact a REALTOR® we recommend that you check the following website where you can search by name and or country. Its best to do both search by name and country.
So not all agents in Nicaragua are considered REALTOS(s)®, you must first be a member of CANIBIR and than become a member of NAR, then and only than are you considered REALTOR®. As a side note, not all real estate professionals in the USA are considered a REALTOR®. To attain a REALTOR® status in the USA, you will have to be accepted to a local REALTOR board which will allow the agent to become a member of NAR.
All USA based NAR members will have a current ID and a number. Members of All Real Estate Nicaragua are members of NAR and of local US Realtor boards via our affiliated sister company "Commercial Real Estate Solutions LLC".